CTE Welding, Pipefitting, and Electrical Accelerated Program Core Credential and Level 1 Certified Graduates Summer 2022. We are so proud of our students who chose to pursue more than what their environment presented this summer. They chose to position themselves to overcome crime, violence, and intergenerational poverty, by participating in our CTE workforce certification program. Thanks to the Office of the Mayor President, ReCAST Coalition, Royalty Welding, Glen Oaks HS, EBR CTEC, and various supporters we were able to support and develop young men and women from across the parish. Come out and help us celebrate them this Friday, July 29th at 6:00 pm at the Family and Youth Service Center located at 1120 Government St. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70805. Special thanks to our instructor team Travis Albert, Greg Chapman, and Niquitia Matthews. We also want to thank Ms. Tangi Milton, Principle Robert, Signater, Evelyn Blanson, Associate Superintend...