ReCAST Baton Rouge supports The Bridge Center for Hope at its VIP Ribbon Cutting and Open House, held Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 9 a.m. Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis (District 6); Councilman Lamont Cole (District 7); Mayor Sharon Weston Broome; Deputy Chief Mike Mitchell, Office of the Public Defender; District Attorney Hillar Moore; and various Bridge Center for Hope Board Members gathered for Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House at remodeled location. Mayor Broome prepares to address crowd Ribbon Cutting/Open House Ceremony Councilman Lamont Cole (District 7) – The Bridge Center of Hope falls within Councilman Cole’s District Chief Murphy Paul addresses crowd at Ribbon Cutting/Open House Ceremony John Spain, Baton Rouge Area Foundation Executive Vice President William “Bill” Quinn, Community Advocate Mayor Broome, David Covington, CEO, RI International, John Spain, Baton Rouge Area Foundation, Kath...