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Showing posts from September, 2020

Drive-thru Census and Voter Registration, Sept. 29

On September 29, 2020, there will be a drive-thru Census and Voter Registration event at Cortana Mall (near Walmart) from 10:00 – 3:00.    Volunteers will be available to assist community members respond to the 2020 Census and register to vote.  Please help by with sharing the flier below.  As of  this afternoon EBRP has a census response rate of 62.9% and the City of Baton Rouge 57.9%.   We can do better!    Remember, federal dollars follow the COUNT not the need.

Geaux Get Healthy Announces Year Three

  Geaux Get Healthy, a program of HealthyBR, is issuing a request for proposals to address food insecurity for the program’s third year of operation. The program is seeking up to 20 organizations focused on education, production, and distribution of fresh and nutritious food in food deserts located throughout East Baton Rouge Parish. Geaux Get Healthy is a coalition of organizations addressing food access, led by the Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome’s Healthy City Initiative, also known as HealthyBR. Grant funds are intended to support eligible nonprofits, faith-based organizations, and businesses to develop or expand programs that improve food access in food deserts throughout our community. Applicants will be able to apply for two levels of funding. The first level of funding will allocate awards up to $100,000. The second level of funding will award up to $50,000. Proposals will be reviewed and selected by a community-based committee. Interested organizations should submit a...

Cease Fire BR: A Call to Action and March Against Violence


Application Period Closed: Year 4 Funding Application

UPDATE 10-29-2020: Application Period Closed BATON ROUGE - Application for funding for Year 4 of the ReCAST coalition grant program is now available.  Eligible nonprofits and other organizations seeking to receive funds for work within the established criteria of trauma-informed, community assistance and activism may download, fill out and submit application to: [DOWNLOAD RECAST YEAR 4 FUNDING APPLICATION]  

August 2020 ReCAST Coalition Meeting Agenda and Photos


HHS COVID-19 Symposium (Sept.17)

[ REGISTER ] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Minority Health is hosting a virtual symposium on Sept.17 to highlight state, tribal, territorial, and community-based efforts to address COVID-19 among racial and ethnic minority populations. Registration for   Advancing the Response to COVID-19: Sharing Promising Programs and Practices for Racial and Ethnic Minority Communities  virtual symposium is open!   Register now to participate in discussions with experts leading these efforts at all levels to confront the pandemic.  

FREE BRCAC Workshop: Trauma Informed Self-Care (Sept. 8)


UREC's IGNITE Fellowship (Sept.8 - Nov.18)

UREC's IGNITE Fellowship to Offer a Virtual ACT Prep & College Readiness Academy  A UREC College & Career Ready Initiative