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Showing posts from April, 2020

ReCAST Hosts First All-Online Coalition Meeting

Continuing to provide support for ReCAST BR Coalition member organizations under unprecedented circumstances related to the global pandemic of COVID-19, the SAMHSA -funded group of Louisiana mental health and community organizers held its first all-online meeting today. Dozens of funded and affiliated nonprofit organizations checked in on the call and shared experiences of the challenges and necessity of providing service under these trying circumstances. Featured speaker Pamela Weems, LCSW, of member organization Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge , provided timely information on the nature of grief and the many ways in which the current crisis affects us all. For more information on ReCASTBR and its member organizations, visit

April 2020 Meeting Agenda Released

ReCAST will hold its April 16, 2020 meeting as a webinar, 1:30-3:30 PM. For dialing in on a computer: Access code:  262 428 845 For audio only: Join by phone Any of the numbers below can be used.  If there are any issues when dialing the first number the participants or host can use any of the numbers below. 617-315-0704 or 408-418-9388 Access code: 262 428 845